OCTOPUS at the Future and Emerging Technologies Conference and Exhibition


Exhibition Pictures


and more...

OCTOPUS during Conference Sessions

"Robocom - The Dream of Robot Companions for Citizens (FET Flagship Pilot)", Mazzolai B. and Laschi C.

"Soft Robotics: Theories and Technologies", Laschi C.

OCTOPUS at the Science Cafe' during 20x20 Ignite Talks:

"The octopus: biomechanical measurements of a biological model for novel soft-robotics design principles", Margheri L.

OCTOPUS at the Poster Session


FET Media Coverage

Special on OCTOPUS:

- videos on youtube

- origo.hu video

- Grindtalk

- europa-nu

- smart-grid

- robotics tmcnet

- europa press

- vortex vacui